Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Albert Watson - My Heroes Cont.

I remember the first time I saw "Golden Boy", (an original photographic print not a reproduction) in a friends home. It was a humbling and inspiring experience. I stood there, probably with my mouth open, thinking how did he do that? It was the single most impressive display of darkroom magic I have ever seen.

I was, I believe, pretty good in the darkroom having spent a number of years learning and practicing the art of black and white printing. I do pretty well with digital images and Giclee' prints but I am not playing in Albert Watson's league. To say that he has mastered the medium is like saying that Tiger Woods can play golf or Michael Jordon basketball. His books Cyclops and Maroc should be part of every photography school cirriculum.

To learn more about one of the twenty most influential photographers of the twentieth century, (according to PDN, he would be in my top ten) click here.